Thursday, December 15, 2011

A Man And His Hat

Long night.

Longer day.

I was rehearsing  A MAN, HIS WIFE, AND HIS HAT by Lauren D. Yee the last few days in Washington DC at Theatre J with some really fine actors.  Yet another process where I was absurdly racing back-and-forth between Baltimore and DC in my car...which I am convinced will either break down for good soon, or (for some reason or another) flip over somewhere on the highway leaving me hanging upside down by a seatbelt and having my final thoughts be, "Boy, I wish I had cleaned out my car so my mother would think I had, at last, become somewhat neater in my life.  Ah crap.  Here comes an 18 wheeler full of potatoes and olive oil."  And there the end will be.

Nightmares of becoming a lame highway salad aside, the reading went well.  It was performed at The Greater Reston Arts Center in Reston, VA, a town that resembles some smaller squares in New York...if those squares had been put together by by corporate interior designers from Wal-Mart looking to entice the upper and upper-Middle classes to their digs.  Anyway, it marked the first time that, after 4 years of friendship, I finally got to read/perform-at-all with the fine-and-talented TBR.  She played my wife in the piece to my cranky-and-lazy-and-sloppy Slavic/Jewish Hetchman.  

There's more to write about with this whole process, but noting the first night that I got to perform with a good friend is good enough for today.

The thoughts swimming around my head today about other things will take some more time to write about...and seeing as it's 1:15AM and I have to be up by 6AM (at the latest) this wouldn't be a wise train of thought to disembark.  Best to leave that engine in the station...for now.

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