The news is beyond depressing...only slightly more depressing than seeing "news" reports that still focus on the "Clinton machine" that apparently is still an evil, and powerfully menacing thing, even in defeat.
Apparently I'm supposed to blame Democrats for the republic's now quick unraveling, and not a whole host of thugs who have spent the last 30+ years spreading disinformation like a virus, while defunding education across the country so most people can't tell the difference between what is and is not a lie.
Apparently I'm supposed to agree Trump doesn't mean what he says except when he does.
Apparently there is no more truth. We're "post-truth." But even that's a lie because we just went back to old tactics with that choice.
Apparently if you care that nothing makes sense you're just "too sensitive," but not sensitive enough to care about people in a conservative bubble because your liberal bubble is too powerful a bubble...despite the fact that it has lost all three branches of government.
Apparently it's now time to register religions to big government, but not to the bad kind of big government...just the good kind...even though no one can tell me what either is.
Apparently it's time to surrender my sanity, faith in humanity, and last semblances of decency.
Thank God I'm a damn moron.
It would be terrible if I could think and feel the pain of these thoughts.
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