Sunday, February 20, 2011

I Was There

I work in Tyson's Corner, VA at a place called Youth Film Academy.

Nearby is one of the many Border's stores that just announced they would be closing due to their recently declared bankruptcy.

I sat in it today eating a cheap lunch I bought at a nearby 7-11 and decided to write this poem.



I was there when the empire fell

I wolfed down a sandwich
                while low, low prices were marked down
                while permanent fixtures were sold
                while consolidated shelves were dismantled

I devoured potato chips
                in the presence of other shoppers
                in and amongst aisles of magazines
                in the air-conditioned warehouse store

I would have inhaled a cookie
                but for the absence of pastries
                but for the absence of  employees
                but for the absence of a cafĂ©

I was there when the empire fell
                I was full, and then suddenly hungry